Friday, April 13, 2012


And finally the day has come to say, farewell to you all
Though with wet eyes, farewell to you all.

The memories I created, the memories you created
Will be the companion for my rest life.

From today,
We do not have to stay in the strict classes of teachers'
We won't be able to make fun in the leisure.

We will remember,
The dishes of cafeteria smiling on the shining plate
The stoppage by the DI in the entrance gate.

It is said that everything changes with time
So let we learn to walk with time.

This time will lead us to a bright future
At the same time, it will lead us to a life-long torture.

Some of you may think today as a finish
Most of you may think today as a begin
But it is neither a finish nor a begin
It is a part process started from birth continuing till the death.

'To err is a human' is the philosophy
Let me do confession for guilt
Done knowingly or unknowingly.

When you'll be able to achieve perfection
That might not give you the satisfaction.

To do more and more wisely is key to success
Keep working hard to make luck in your access.

Everything in the world are confined in simplicity
Then why to choose world's trend – the complexity.

Be happy, remain healthy and spread smile
Give something to society that history can compile.

Who knows what the future has in store for us
But someone needs to be sad by our loss.
It’s not my mother, it's not your brother
It's to be our society and friend circle altogether.

Friendship is beyond everything
With it, comparable is nothing.

Although we will be at far distance
We will remember our entire sentence
Friendship will find its existence.

Let us make this day to remember
Let us be grateful to our teachers
Let us remain happy in our life
And I must say being cheerful
Getting caring husband and wife !!!